My Portfolio Website Personal Project (2021 Nov)
This project was developed by me, using HTML CSS and Java Script. Then I hosted it using with GitHub pages.
Technologies - HTML5, CSS, JS, GitHub
This project was developed by me, using HTML CSS and Java Script. Then I hosted it using with GitHub pages. I am still developing this project on my free days. And I hope to re-develop this project by using MERN stack.
Technologies - HTML5, CSS, JS, and GitHub
Developed a web-based Restaurant Management System in accordance with client requirements to replace the currently existing manual system with an automated system. Food Items Managing Function, Customer Home Page and Filters are My main Part of this system.
Technologies - React JS, Node JS, Express JS, Mongo DB, CSS, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, GitHub.
The E-commerce android application 'Infinity Store' was developed for the customers to safely purchase their essentials since they are confined to their homes due to COVID-19. Creating Login, Register, User Profile, Edit Profile, and Items adding’s are my main part of this system.
Technologies - Java, Android Studio, Firebase, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop